Saturday, December 8, 2012

Things I've Said to My Son

1. Stop licking your brother.
2. Get your hands out of your pants.
3. Don't touch my boobs. Those aren't yours.
4. Don't put that in your mouth.
5. We don't eat out of the trash can.
6. Mommy would like to keep her clothes on.
7. Stop licking my computer screen.
8. You're a good big brother, but I don't think Landon wants his hand in your mouth.
9. Please get your toys away from the dog's butt.
10. What is that smell?

I have no doubt that as both of the boys get bigger this list will get longer. And weirder.

1 comment:

  1. Yay-you're back! Write these down somewhere so you can preserve the memories.
